Temple Details

Bhitargaon Temple   Bhitargaon

About Bhitargaon Temple

The Bhitargaon Temple is a terraced block building fronted with an earthenware board. Worked in the fifth century amid the Gupta period, it is the most seasoned outstanding block/earthenware Hindu temple with a rooftop and a high Shikhara, however its upper chamber sustained some harm in the eighteenth century.

The temple is based on a square arrangement with twofold recessed corners and confronts east. There tall pyramidal tower over the garbhagriha. The dividers are adorned with earthenware boards delineating oceanic creatures, Shiva and Vishnu and so on. At the point when Cunningham initially went by the site, the remaining parts of the patio and of the ardhamandapa were as yet noticeable, which later crumbled.




